That’s me, Melissa Mooney! Pleased to meet you! This is where I’m supposed to say something meaningful and profound about myself and all the amazing things I do with my work. The truth though is it’s all very least I sure hope it is. Essentially, I create pieces that tell a story. Your story, my story, a company’s story, and stories that are looking for a voice. Simple, right?
When my family first encouraged me to pursue my creativity and love of art, who knew it would turn into the pursuit of both a degree in graphic design and photography! Don't worry though I survived and haven't become a starving artist quite yet. Today, there are a few more electronics lying around the house and a lot more projects spanning a variety of styles and specialties. There’s travel, marketing, commercial work, events, composites, and more. It can certainly be fun and exciting but it’s only thanks to great clients, interesting subjects, and lots of encouragement. This is what comes through in every project, every image, and every experience.
Do you have a story you’d like to tell? Check out my works and feel free to reach out at any time! I’ll try to answer any questions that you have and even though I may be based out of Hickory, NC I am more than willing to meet you where you’re at whether it’s a couple of blocks away or in the middle of Antarctica.
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